Pupil Premium
Marlwood School Pupil Premium
At Marlwood School we are committed to maximising the achievement, progress and wider development of disadvantaged pupils and narrowing the gap between their outcomes and those of their peers.
The Pupil Premium is a fund which comes directly into school from the government to help us to achieve this aim.
Who is eligible for the Pupil Premium?
- Children who have had Free School Meals in the last six years
- Those children that are looked after by the local authority
- Children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces
Marlwood School Pupil Premium Objectives:
- Pupil premium students rapidly improve their work by responding to written feedback. Staff set high expectations and challenge by implementing a range of Teaching and Learning strategies that are effective in deepening knowledge and skills of Pupil Premium students.
- To improve the personal development, behaviour and welfare of pupil premium students and increase their attendance.
- To have a positive impact on progress by ensuring learning meets the needs of all Pupil Premium students based on accurate assessment and early intervention.
- Pupil Premium students experience enriching extra-curricular activities. Pupil premium students are well informed about the options process and are supported in the next steps in their education and careers.
How is it spent?
We identify what we believe will benefit the children who are eligible for the Pupil Premium funding at Marlwood School the most. We aspire to meet student’s specific needs by minimising barriers to their learning and using targeted support; allowing them to thrive in all aspects of school life.
Ways that we have previously spent the funding includes;
- Extra one-to-one or small-group support for children within the classroom.
- Employing extra teaching assistants to work with classes.
- Running catch-up sessions before or after school, for example for children who need extra help with maths or literacy.
- Running a school breakfast club to improve attendance.
- Providing extra tuition for able children.
- Providing music lessons for children.
- Funding educational trips and visits.
- Paying for additional help such as speech and language therapy or family therapy.
- Investing in resources that boost children’s learning, such as laptops or tablets, study / revision guides.
Please see the Pupil Premium Plan for strategies employed this academic year as well as a breakdown of the funding.
Free School Meals
Many families may be eligible for free school meals. You may be eligible for help if you fall into one of the following categories:
- You are in receipt of income support or a Job Seekers Allowance (income-based)
- You are entitled to child tax credits with income no greater than £16,190 as shown on your TC602 from the Inland Revenue. If you receive working tax credit then you are not eligible
- You receive the guarantee element of state pension credit
- You get support from the national asylum support service
Our school meals offer a healthy and balanced diet for all pupils whilst at school.
If you believe you are eligible for free school meals please click the link below.
Advice on free school meals